Results for 'Gabriel Terra Pereira'

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  1.  22
    (1 other version)Os diálogos entre a diplomacia e a história: a carreira de Hélio Lobo e o processo de americanização da República brasileira -doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v17i3.755. [REVIEW]Gabriel Terra Pereira - 2013 - Diálogos (Maringa) 17 (3).
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    Antecedentem creavit consequens: Friedrich Schlegel’s ontology of time and literary forms in Rede an die Mytologie.Gabriel Loureiro Pereira da Mota Ramos - 2023 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 28 (1):61-74.
    We attempt to offer a new interpretation of Schlegel’s original solution for the problem of the new mythology. We claim that, while grasping the problem of the missing center as the structure of modern thought, Schlegel develops a theory of literature which implies an ontology of time. We advance that, by identifying myth with romantic literature, Schlegel’s argumentative economy leads him to apply the metaphysical predicates of myth to romantic literature as such. We propose then to read the status of (...)
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  3. A fundamentação ontológica da estrutura ética do juízo estético no primeiro-romantismo alemão: para construção histórico-sistemática do Juízo Infinito.Gabriel Loureiro Pereira da Mota Ramos - 2024 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 29 (2):73-99.
    Revisitando os fragmentos de Schlegel e Novalis em Blüthenstaub (2016), o artigo busca apreender o processo de ontologização que a argumentação kantiana relativa ao juízo estético sofre, quando assimilado por Schlegel e Novalis. Para isso, lemos a “Analítica do belo”, da Kritik der Urteilskraft (1974b), de modo a depreender como a estrutura ética do juízo estético, em Kant sugerida apenas pela cláusula do como-se, ganha em Novalis e Schlegel uma interpretação ontológica. Assim, desenvolvemos a figura do Juízo Infinito, conceito com (...)
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    Glossário Simondon.Gabriel Pereira Gioppo, Matheus Pedrini & Cezar Maxwel do Prado - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 23 (1).
    Por longo tempo, Simondon foi um autor desconhecido, tanto na França quanto fora dela. Este Glossário Simondon, escrito por Jean-Hugues Barthélémy e publicado no volume 16 (2015) da revista Appareil, significou um marco nos estudos da filosofia simondoniana pela precisão analítica e pelo amplo escopo da sua síntese didática. Apresentando, sob a forma de verbetes, cinquenta entradas possíveis no labirinto nocional de Simondon, e tendo como objetivo mapear as mais importantes referências textuais assim como os encadeamentos argumentativos fundamentais, o Glossário (...)
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    A história materialista do desejo - uma leitura de 'Selvagens, Bárbaros, Civilizados', de Deleuze e Guattari.Gabriel Pereira Gioppo - 2023 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 22 (1).
    Resumo: Este artigo objetiva realizar uma interpretação do terceiro capítulo do livro O Anti-Édipo, de Deleuze e Guattari, denominado ‘Selvagens, Bárbaros, Civilizados’. Para tanto, serão reconstituídos, de início, alguns dos conceitos fundamentais dos capítulos anteriores, tais como processo esquizofrênico, produção desejante, máquinas sociais e as três sínteses do inconsciente. Em seguida, as três máquinas sociais - a primitiva, a despótica e a capitalista - serão expostas em seu funcionamento, mostrando as configurações específicas entre desejo e socius que lhes são próprias, (...)
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    Conhecimento e indeterminação em Bergson.Demétrio Rocha Pereira & Gabriel Cunha Hickmann - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):79-90.
    This article reviews Bergson’s proposed solution to the classical mind-body problem, confronting his system with previous alternatives, but mainly Kant's. To this end, it offers an analysis of Matter and memory’s main argument, aimed at discerning its consequences for a competing definition of knowledge.
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  7. O equilíbrio pontuado: proposta, fundamentação e recepção (1972-1993).Gabriel Vanzo Rodrigues & Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 2024 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 19 (2):101-128.
    The scarcity of transitional forms in the geological record was a problem concerning 19th-century transmutation species theories. According to Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), it was perhaps the most serious objection to his proposed theory in the several Editions of The Origin of Species, departing 1859. Although Darwin and other scholars proposed explanations, this problem persisted until the 20th century in the Modern Synthesis. In the 1970s, two American palaeontologists, Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002), presented the punctuated equilibrium hypothesis (...)
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    Neuroethics at 15: Keep the Kant but Add More Bacon.Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Peter Zuk, Stacey Pereira, Kristin Kostick, Laura Torgerson, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Mary Majumder, J. Blumenthal-Barby, Eric A. Storch, Wayne K. Goodman & Amy L. McGuire - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (3):97-100.
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  9.  25
    Percepções de professores de filosofia sobre a especificidade da disciplina de filosofia.Fabio Antonio Gabriel & Ana Lúcia Pereira - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022023.
    Este artigo, um recorte de pesquisa de Doutorado, objetiva desvelar as percepções de 208 professores de filosofia do Paraná no sentido de buscar evidenciar quais seriam as especificidades da disciplina de filosofia em relação a outras disciplinas do currículo. Inicialmente, disserta-se sobre a intermitência da disciplina de Filosofia no currículo da Educação Básica, com base em Deleuze e Guattari (2010), os quais demarcam o entendimento da filosofia como criação de conceitos. Em seguida, fundamentado em Rodrigues e Gelamo (2019), entre outros (...)
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    Artificial intelligence and institutional critique 2.0: unexpected ways of seeing with computer vision.Gabriel Pereira & Bruno Moreschi - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (4):1201-1223.
    During 2018, as part of a research project funded by the Deviant Practice Grant, artist Bruno Moreschi and digital media researcher Gabriel Pereira worked with the Van Abbemuseum collection (Eindhoven, NL), reading their artworks through commercial image-recognition (computer vision) artificial intelligences from leading tech companies. The main takeaways were: somewhat as expected, AI is constructed through a capitalist and product-focused reading of the world (values that are embedded in this sociotechnical system); and that this process of using AI (...)
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    Teoria do conhecimento e epistemologia na pesquisa em Educação Física.Gabriel Pereira Paes Neto, Ney Ferreira França & Renan Santos Furtado - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (3):13.
    Trata-se de estudo bibliográfico pelo qual analisamos a pesquisa na educação física em torno da perspectiva de reaproximação da epistemologia com a teoria do conhecimento. Analisamos que as pesquisas devem pressupor a práxis e a dialética, sendo que à luz destas devem abordar os problemas do conhecimento, da história e da realidade, também pressupondo o materialismo histórico dialético enquanto epistemologia e o socialismo enquanto projeto histórico. A pesquisa em educação física deve reverter o seu circuito de conhecimento, superando os modelos (...)
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    Capacities and Limitations of Using Polygenic Risk Scores for Reproductive Decision Making.Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Stacey Pereira, Meghna Mukherjee, Kristin Marie Kostick-Quenet, Shai Carmi, Todd Lencz & Dorit Barlevy - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):42-45.
    In their article “Implementing Expanded Prenatal Genetic Testing: Should Parents Have Access to Any and All Fetal Genetic Information?” Bayefsky and Berkman briefly mention that: “[s]ome are...
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  13.  28
    Curiosity and Uncertainty Resolution: Inflating the Perceived Utility of Genetic Information.Rémy Furrer, Dorit Barlevy, Stacey Pereira & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):53-55.
    When considering the question, “Is it just for a [genetic] screening program to give people all the information they want?” it is first necessary to understand how the information is being presente...
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    Researcher Perspectives on Ethical Considerations in Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation Trials.Katrina A. Muñoz, Kristin Kostick, Clarissa Sanchez, Lavina Kalwani, Laura Torgerson, Rebecca Hsu, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Jill O. Robinson, Simon Outram, Barbara A. Koenig, Stacey Pereira, Amy McGuire, Peter Zuk & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  15.  51
    Researcher Views on Changes in Personality, Mood, and Behavior in Next-Generation Deep Brain Stimulation.Peter Zuk, Clarissa E. Sanchez, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Katrina A. Muñoz, Lavina Kalwani, Richa Lavingia, Laura Torgerson, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Jill O. Robinson, Stacey Pereira, Simon Outram, Barbara A. Koenig, Amy L. McGuire & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):287-299.
    The literature on deep brain stimulation (DBS) and adaptive DBS (aDBS) raises concerns that these technologies may affect personality, mood, and behavior. We conducted semi-structured interviews with researchers (n = 23) involved in developing next-generation DBS systems, exploring their perspectives on ethics and policy topics including whether DBS/aDBS can cause such changes. The majority of researchers reported being aware of personality, mood, or behavioral (PMB) changes in recipients of DBS/aDBS. Researchers offered varying estimates of the frequency of PMB changes. A (...)
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    Researchers’ Ethical Concerns About Using Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation for Enhancement.Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Lavina Kalwani, Barbara Koenig, Laura Torgerson, Clarissa Sanchez, Katrina Munoz, Rebecca L. Hsu, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Jill Oliver Robinson, Simon Outram, Stacey Pereira, Amy McGuire, Peter Zuk & Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The capacity of next-generation closed-loop or adaptive deep brain stimulation devices to read and write shows great potential to effectively manage movement, seizure, and psychiatric disorders, and also raises the possibility of using aDBS to electively modulate mood, cognition, and prosociality. What separates aDBS from most neurotechnologies currently used for enhancement is that aDBS remains an invasive, surgically-implanted technology with a risk-benefit ratio significantly different when applied to diseased versus non-diseased individuals. Despite a large discourse about the ethics of enhancement, (...)
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    Researcher Perspectives on Data Sharing in Deep Brain Stimulation.Peter Zuk, Clarissa E. Sanchez, Kristin Kostick, Laura Torgerson, Katrina A. Muñoz, Rebecca Hsu, Lavina Kalwani, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Jill O. Robinson, Simon Outram, Barbara A. Koenig, Stacey Pereira, Amy L. McGuire & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:578687.
    The expansion of research on deep brain stimulation (DBS) and adaptive DBS (aDBS) raises important neuroethics and policy questions related to data sharing. However, there has been little empirical research on the perspectives of experts developing these technologies. We conducted semi-structured, open-ended interviews with aDBS researchers regarding their data sharing practices and their perspectives on ethical and policy issues related to sharing. Researchers expressed support for and a commitment to sharing, with most saying that they were either sharing their data (...)
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  18. Promises and pitfalls of preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disorders: a narrative review.Jaime Roura-Monllor, Zachary Walker, Joel Michael Reynolds, Greysha Rivera-Cruz, Avner Hershlag, Gheona Altarescu, Sigal Klipstein, Stacey Pereira, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Shai Carmi, Todd Lencz & Ruth Bunker Lathi - 2024 - Fands Reviews 6 (1).
    Preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disorders (PGT-P) has been commercially available since 2019. PGT-P makes use of polygenic risk scores for conditions which are multifactorial and are significantly influenced by environmental and lifestyle factors. If current predictions are accurate, then absolute risk reductions range from about 0.02% to 10.1%, meaning that between 10 and 5,000 in vitro fertilization patients would need to be tested with PGT-P to prevent one offspring from becoming affected in the future, depending on the condition and (...)
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    Weaving seams with data: Conceptualizing City APIs as elements of infrastructures.Martin Brynskov, Lasse S. Vestergaard, Gabriel Pereira & Christoph Raetzsch - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    This article addresses the role of application programming interfaces for integrating data sources in the context of smart cities and communities. On top of the built infrastructures in cities, application programming interfaces allow to weave new kinds of seams from static and dynamic data sources into the urban fabric. Contributing to debates about “urban informatics” and the governance of urban information infrastructures, this article provides a technically informed and critically grounded approach to evaluating APIs as crucial but often overlooked elements (...)
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  20.  24
    O ciclo da vida em Queimadas: as etnicidades geracionais presentes no nascer, viver e morrer.Jamille Pereira Pimentel dos Santos & Ana Angélica Leal Barbosa - 2020 - Odeere 5 (9):205.
    Este artigo é um recorte de uma pesquisa desenvolvida no mestrado entre os anos de 2016 e 2017 numa comunidade quilombola denominada Queimadas, que se localiza no sertão baiano, na zona rural do Município de Guanambi. A referida pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a transmissão dos pertencimentos étnicos entre as diferentes gerações que ali se encontram. Para tanto, o método utilizado foi a etnografia, com o emprego de entrevistas, observações e narrativas em história oral de vida. Nessa investigação ficou evidente (...)
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  21.  33
    Programming Machine Ethics.Luís Moniz Pereira & Ari Saptawijaya - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Ari Saptawijaya.
    Source: "This book addresses the fundamentals of machine ethics. It discusses abilities required for ethical machine reasoning and the programming features that enable them. It connects ethics, psychological ethical processes, and machine implemented procedures. From a technical point of view, the book uses logic programming and evolutionary game theory to model and link the individual and collective moral realms. It also reports on the results of experiments performed using several model implementations. Opening specific and promising inroads into the terra (...)
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  22.  12
    Programming Machine Ethics.Luís Moniz Pereira - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer. Edited by Ari Saptawijaya.
    This book addresses the fundamentals of machine ethics. It discusses abilities required for ethical machine reasoning and the programming features that enable them. It connects ethics, psychological ethical processes, and machine implemented procedures. From a technical point of view, the book uses logic programming and evolutionary game theory to model and link the individual and collective moral realms. It also reports on the results of experiments performed using several model implementations. Opening specific and promising inroads into the terra incognita (...)
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    Phénoménologies du politique: droit, pouvoir et violence entre Schmitt et Derrida.Gabriel Rezende - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (1).
    A partir de uma leitura de Carl Schmitt proposta por Jacques Derrida, interroga-se, neste artigo, a arquitetura conceitual moderna que organiza em sistema as noções de “poder”, “Estado”, “política” e “direito”. Em seu Políticas da amizade, Derrida desenvolve a tese segundo a qual uma importante tradição intelectual ocidental, cujo ponto de cumeada é a obra de Schmitt, teria sido responsável por tentar isolar o “sentido” do político por meio de uma teleologia da inimizade. Ele mostra, assim, que esta teleologia é (...)
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    Ditadura militar e o genocídio indígena: caso do Povo Waimiri Atroari e a construção da estrada BR 174.Nathanael Pereira - 2023 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (8):e230115.
    O genocídio indígena esteve presente na ditadura civil-militar brasileira (1964-1985), assim como em todos os períodos após as invasões portuguesas de 1500. A partir do uso dos ideais coloniais e da estrutura capitalista, as políticas de desenvolvimentismo com as invasões às terras indígenas culminaram no genocídio que foi protagonizado pelo Exército Brasileiro. Segundo a Comissão Nacional da Verdade, mais de 8.350 indígenas foram mortos durante o período de 1946 a 1988, número este que pode ser bem maior, dado que o (...)
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    Dialética da medicina como politica E da política como medicina: Sintonias bioéticas em passagens de fanon.Ivo Pereira de Queiroz, Anor Sganzerla & Cassandra Medeiros Siqueira - 2018 - Odeere 3 (6):269.
    Após a conclusão do curso de medicina psiquiátrica em Lyon, em 1951, Fanon foi acolhido no hospital Saint Alban, para um aprofundamento dos estudos psiquiátricos, tendo ali, trabalhado e pesquisado sob a supervisão do psiquiatra espanhol Francesc Tosquelles, onde praticou os fundamentos da psicoterapia institucional, desenvolvida por Tosquelles e seus colaboradores naquele hospital. Mais tarde, na Argélia, Fanon atuou no hospital de Blida-Joinvile e, posteriormente, na Tunísia, introduzindo reformas, à luz da psicoterapia institucional. A concepção de ser humano que cultivava (...)
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  26.  11
    Uma Ética Para o Antropoceno: Albert Camus Como Pensador da Natureza.Marcio Pereira - 2022 - Revista Dialectus 27 (27):144-164.
    o presente trabalho deseja mobilizar o pensamento de Albert Camus como forma de contribuir para o debate contemporâneo sobre o Antropoceno. Popularizado nas últimas décadas, o termo, além de significar a proposta de uma nova época geológica da Terra em razão da ação humana no planeta, costuma também ser utilizado para se referir à crise ambiental em curso. Será mirando mais neste segundo sentido do Antropoceno que mobilizaremos o pensamento camusiano aqui. Apesar de o tema da crise ambiental não (...)
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    Hegemonia e “autogestão” no MST.Evelyne Medeiros Pereira - 2010 - Filosofia E Educação 2 (1):p - 345.
    Com referência na perspectiva marxista-gramsciana, o estudo que ora se apresenta pretende analisar as repercussões das estratégias organizativas da classe trabalhadora na construção de uma nova hegemonia na sociedade brasileira. Para isso, tomaremos como base as experiências vigentes, desenvolvidas pelo Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra/MST. Vale ressaltar que partiremos do ponto de vista das contradições, não apenas dessas estratégias, mas da própria sociedade capitalista.
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    Uma abordagem marxista de Educação Financeira em uma escola do campo.Lucas Gabriel dos Santos Tolomeotti & Línlya Sachs - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:274-284.
    A partir da instituição da Estratégia Nacional de Educação Financeira (ENEF), em 2010, no Brasil e da recomendação da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) para a incorporação de temas como educação para o consumo, educação financeira e educação fiscal, não de forma transversal e inclusiva, o estado do Paraná incorporou o componente curricular de Educação Financeira, em 2021, para cada série do Ensino Médio de todas as escolas da rede pública de ensino estadual, incluindo escolas localizadas em áreas de Reforma (...)
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    Presentation – Inhabiting the Frontiers of Thought: The Contribution of Jesuit Philosophers to 20 th Century Philosophy.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre & João Carlos Onofre Pinto - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1249-1252.
    The contribution of Jesuits to the different fields of knowledge, including philosophy, is historically well known. In fact, since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the 16th century, Jesuits from different generations and cultures have taken part in the philosophical debates of their time and their different contexts. Since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in 1540, the Jesuits, individually and as a body, have engaged in a fruitful dialogue between the Christian tradition and different dimensions of (...)
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    Leigh a. Payne, Gabriel Pereira y Laura Bernal-Bermúdez, Justicia transicional y rendición de cuentas de actores económicos, desde abajo: desplegando la palanca de Arquímedes.Javier González-Arellano - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:309-314.
    Este artículo reseña: Leigh A. PAYNE, Gabriel PEREIRA y Laura BERNAL-BERMÚDEZ, Justicia transicional y rendición de cuentas de actores económicos, desde abajo: desplegando la palanca de Arquímedes, Dejusticia, Bogotá, 2021, 486 pp.
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  31. Plurals and Simples.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2004 - The Monist 87 (3):429-451.
    I would like to discuss the claim that the resources of plural reference and plural quantification are sufficient for the purpose of paraphrasing all ordinary statements apparently concerned with composite material objects into plural statements concerned exclusively with simples.
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  32. Reasoning with Logic Programming.José Júlio Alferes & Luís Moniz Pereira - 2001 - Studia Logica 67 (1):118-120.
  33. Elogio del Cientificismo.Gabriel Andrade (ed.) - 2017 - Laetoli.
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  34. Professional problems; a textbook for nurses.John Gabriel - 1937 - Philadelphia,: Saunders.
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  35. Tensões e possibilidades : o que há de atual nas políticas de educação profissional?Gabriel Grabowski - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi (ed.), Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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  36. Loving the Perfect Other.Gabriel Lazăr - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:85-94.
    The article brings together a Charles Bronson false western and Jacques Lacan’s theory of the four discourses in order to illustrate the excessive symbolization of the hysteric jouissance, in its manifestation as a quest against satisfaction, a quest for the perfect Other. Employing Freud’s concepts of death drive and repetition compulsion, the hysteric position is further distinguished from both the obsessional subject and non-hysteric woman, which has access to a non-phallic, supplementary jouissance. A thief that stole a widow’s heart is (...)
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    Rabbinic Philosophy of Language: Not in Heaven.Gabriel Levy - 2010 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 18 (2):167-202.
    I argue that “sampling” is at the heart of rabbinical hermeneutics. I argue further that anomalous monism—and specifically its arguments about token identity, of which sampling is one species—provides some insight into understanding the nature of rabbinical hermeneutics and religion, where truth is contingent on social judgment but is nevertheless objective. These points are illustrated through a close reading of the story of the oven of Aknai in the Bavli's Baba Metzia. I claim that rabbinic Judaism represents an early attempt (...)
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    Is there a duty to routinely reinterpret genomic variant classifications?Gabriel Watts & Ainsley J. Newson - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (12):808-814.
    Multiple studies show that periodic reanalysis of genomic test results held by clinical laboratories delivers significant increases in overall diagnostic yield. However, while there is a widespread consensus that implementing routine reanalysis procedures is highly desirable, there is an equally widespread understanding that routine reanalysis of individual patient results is not presently feasible to perform for all patients. Instead, researchers, geneticists and ethicists are beginning to turn their attention to one part of reanalysis—reinterpretation of previously classified variants—as a means of (...)
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  39. The Price of Universality.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 129 (1):137-169.
    I present a puzzle for absolutely unrestricted quantification. One important advantage of absolutely unrestricted quantification is that it allows us to entertain perfectly general theories. Whereas most of our theories restrict attention to one or another parcel of reality, other theories are genuinely comprehensive taking absolutely all objects into their domain. The puzzle arises when we notice that absolutely unrestricted theories sometimes impose incompatible constraints on the size of the universe.
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  40. The Problem with Yuppie Ethics.Iason Gabriel - 2018 - Utilitas 30 (1):32-53.
    How much personal partiality do agent-centred prerogatives allow? If there are limits on what morality may demand of us, then how much does it permit? For a view Henry Shue has termed ‘yuppie ethics’, the answer to both questions is a great deal. It holds that rich people are morally permitted to spend large amounts of money on themselves, even when this means leaving those living in extreme poverty unaided. Against this view, I demonstrate that personal permissions are limited in (...)
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    The need for “gentle medicine” in a post Covid-19 world.Gabriel Andrade & Maria Campo Redondo - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):475-486.
    As it has historically been the case with many pandemics, the Covid-19 experience will induce many philosophers to reconsider the value of medical practice. This should be a good opportunity to critically scrutinize the way medical research and medical interventions are carried out. For much of its history, medicine has been very inefficient. But, even in its contemporary forms, a review of common protocols in medical research and medical interventions reveal many shortcomings, especially related to methodological flaws, and more importantly, (...)
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  42. Sobre o significado na literatura e o valor cognitivo da ficção.Gottfried Gabriel - 1993 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:63-73.
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  43. The 80th anniversary of zboril, blahoslav.J. Gabriel - 1982 - Filosoficky Casopis 30 (1):159-161.
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    Geological Reform.Gabriel Gohau - 2009 - Metascience 18 (1):53-60.
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    Exploring the Possibility of Peak Individualism, Humanity's Existential Crisis, and an Emerging Age of Purpose.Gabriel B. Grant - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Judaic technologies of the word: a cognitive analysis of Jewish cultural formation.Gabriel Levy - 2012 - Bristol, CT: Equinox.
    What is cognition? -- Control -- Networks -- Rationality -- Names -- Hypertext -- Environment.
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  47. Les hommes contre l'humain, coll., « Philosophie européenne ».Gabriel Marcel - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (2):466-467.
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    L'homme problématique.Gabriel Marcel - 1955 - Paris,: Aubier.
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    Situação da Filosofia em França.Gabriel Marcel - 1947 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 3 (1):73 - 75.
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    (1 other version)Freedom and Integral Will: The Abandonment of Sovereign Power in Emerson, Melville, and Agamben.Gabriel Alkon - 2010 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2010 (152):127-144.
    ExcerptModern government is essentially economic, disposing of its subjects by exposing them to the supposedly natural exigencies of capitalist exchange. To survive, the individual must “earn a living”—in other words, pay for the space that his life takes up. The payment is work, or tangibly effective action—action that proves, on an abstract and universal scale, the value of the subject's continued existence. The sheer necessity, for each individual, of such measurably valuable work is what forces his regular participation in the (...)
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